Unfinished Museum

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Chiara Morandini

If I think of the unfinished it comes to mind when I painted the entrance in my apartment. I started the chore and then left it half painted for months. Finally, I called a house painter to finish the job.


If I say “unfinished” what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

If I think of the unfinished it comes to mind when I painted the entrance in my apartment. I started the chore and then left it half painted for months. Finally, I called a house painter to finish the job.

 Unfinished what colour/shape is it?

A deep purple colour comes to mind. It has the shape of a broken thing, as if it had been finished and then broken and only part of it had been preserved.

 Is there something you have left undone in your life?

A lot of things, for sure. Especially in my youth, I was more inconclusive than I am now. For example, one thing I wanted to do was writing my thesis abroad, I had already found the city and the topic then I gave up. Also, the project with Elena of 1OO1 (necklaces made with climbing ropes), is an unfinished one.

What is your relationship with unfinished things?

Love and hate, a healthy dose of contradictions. On the one hand, the sense of inconclusiveness, on the other, I think that if I have not been able to achieve them all, perhaps it is because I have so many projects.

 What is fertilizer for you? What does it mean to fertilize?

For me, it is a chemical aid, like the cocaine that I have never tried, a chemical aid that makes you sprout ideas and see them realized; someone who believes in my idea, who gets excited to believe it.

3 words that you would match with unfinished?

Freedom (to do it in 1000 different ways), disappointment, space (to move).


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