Unfinished Museum

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It also happens with drawings, that while I am colouring one it remains incomplete. 


Is there something you have left undone in your life?

I do things then I think “oh, no, I had to do this other thing too”, and so I leave everything halfway. That’s the way it is with homework, especially the ones online. It also happens with drawings, that while I am colouring one it remains incomplete. Another example is my horse riding course, which I couldn’t finish because of the coronavirus, and I would have loved to finish it!

Then, a birthday gift for a friend of mine last year that remained in the drawer, it was a slime, a lump of modelling clay with all the things she liked, now it’s mouldy and in a jar. I had created it as she had asked me: the aroma of marshmallow, the colours blue, pink and purple … and when I had to bring it to her, I couldn’t find it anymore and I gave her something else.

What is your relationship with unfinished things?

It depends on the things, if they don’t have an expiration date then maybe I’ll finish them.

Where do you keep your unfinished things?

I keep them around or I forget them in the drawers. Or if I see them, I hide them.