Unfinished Museum


map, collect, exhibit and publicize artistic and cultural works and projects that have been started and not finished. Create connections, conditions and contaminations useful for realizing them,

promote reflections, inspire and fertilize thought and creativity through writings, interviews, studies on the theme of the unfinished in its many possible declinations,

build a community of reference where people can share their experiences, reflections, experiences and work together on a new collective dimension.


UMus is for everyone

UMus collects and gives value

UMus promotes human creativity

UMus is perfect in its incompleteness

UMus can transform into a finished work

UMus is the celebration of the work in progress

UMus honours the author’s time and commitment

UMus is fertilizer for other creative minds

UMus is an invitation and possibility of participation

UMus creates connections, collaboration and contamination

UMus gives meaning to the creative process as such

UMus is overcoming the idea of ​​failure

UMus is advancing incessantly

UMus is…

Do you want to contribute to the museum?


Waiting To Be Exhibited



Events & Programs

Gallery Talk, Special Event

UMus Unfinished Museum Opening Event

Time: Thursday, January 21, 202112:00 am - 11:00 pm /


Unfinished Thoughts & Stories

Luigi Camarilla

Often while I am working what I am doing generates another work or project and for this reason it remains unfinished.

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Karin Marzocchini

If I tell you the word “unfinished” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? It is a bit of

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Laura Cionci

The unfinished could be white because it offers you the opportunity to build again and even radically change what already exists;

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